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Five Suggested Foods to Fulfill Your Nutritional Needs 

Are you tired of scrolling through your social media feeds only to find yourself being bombarded with the latest food trends that promise to help you lose weight, boost your immune system, or improve your overall health? Not only are these numerous trending diet fads confusing, but sometimes they can also be downright harmful. According to the best dietician in Mumbai, dt. Richa Doshi, most of these “health food” trends are just that– trends, and nothing more.

So, if you’re ready to cut through the noise and get real about what you should be eating, grab a healthy snack and read on. From detox diets to “superfood” powders, here is the inside scoop on the food trends you should be missing out on. But don’t worry, this is not to rain on your food parade completely. We believe that food should be enjoyable and that the occasional indulgence is okay. In the words of the best nutritionist in Mumbai, healthy eating is not about joyless sacrifice but rather moderated abundance.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the constant influx of food trends, consider seeking guidance through an online dietician consultation. This can provide you with personalized advice and help you navigate the complexities of a balanced diet.

So, let’s dig in to find out about the food trends that are more hype than help!

Clean Eating

The term “clean eating” has become ubiquitous in the world of nutrition, with social media influencers and celebrities promoting the idea that certain foods are “clean” while others are “dirty.” This trend, while seemingly harmless on the surface, can quickly turn dangerous with its arbitrary rules about what foods are “clean.” This mindset can lead to an unhealthy obsession with categorizing food, potentially leading to even orthorexia. This condition can make you fixate on eating only foods that you deem to be healthy.

Moreover, the idea of “clean eating” can also be misleading, as it suggests that certain foods are inherently better for you than others. Every food has its place in a balanced diet, and it’s important to focus on the overall quality and variety of your diet, rather than obsessing over individual food choices. Cultivating a healthy relationship with every food option is way more beneficial to your health than obsessing over what is pure and what is not.

Apple Cider Vinegar Shots

While apple cider vinegar has been touted as a cure-all for everything from weight loss to acne, here is what the best dietician in Mumbai has to say about it– while apple cider has many proven health benefits, such concentrated shots of it do more harm than good. Vinegar is acidic and consuming it directly can irritate the esophagus leading to heartburn, indigestion, or even ulcers. In addition to this, the acid content in apple cider vinegar can erode tooth enamel and cause painful dental problems with prolonged exposure.

Of course, there are potential health benefits to apple cider vinegar when used right. Diluting it before consumption is a good place to start. But what you have to remember is that it is not a magic potion that can heal you. In fact, no one food or drink can solve all your health problems. A balanced diet with regular exercise is crucial for overall wellness. For a more tailored approach to your health, consider an online nutritionist consultation.

Juicing and Pressing

With the busy lives we lead today, juicing has become increasingly popular as it makes consuming fruits and vegetables much easier. Especially for the picky eaters out there, juicing veggies can seem like the best way to get all their benefits without having to eat them as such. But does juicing really give you all the benefits of eating whole fruits and vegetables? The best nutritionist in Mumbai, dt. Richa Doshi, says that while it can be a convenient way to boost nutrient intake, juicing tends to remove fiber content from your fruits and vegetables. Without fiber, the natural sugar found in fruits can quickly raise blood sugar levels and leave you feeling hungry again soon after drinking the juice.

In addition to removing valuable fiber content, juicing can also be an extremely wasteful habit. If you have tried juicing your fruits, you would have noticed how much produce it takes to make a single serving. So it is best to stick to whole fruits and vegetables to promote sustainable eating habits and get their full benefits.

No-Carb Diets

While “low-carb” diets were somewhat popular and beneficial for weight loss and blood sugar control, the rising trend of “no-carb” diets we see today can be absolutely detrimental to your health. Completely eliminating carbohydrates from your diet might seem like a good idea until you actually end up with nutrient deficiencies and harmful metabolic changes.

Moreover, even though the idea of no-carb foods might seem alluring, most of the low or no-carb products available in the market are often highly processed and contain large quantities of unhealthy fats as well as artificial sweeteners. Instead of trying to cut out carbohydrates completely, it is healthier to incorporate complex carbohydrates into your diet in moderation.

Cheat Day/Meal

As you can guess, this trend involves sticking to a strict diet most of the time and then having a designated day or meal where one can indulge in any foods they want. This seems like the perfect solution where you get the best of both worlds, right? But the best nutritionists in Mumbai and around the world would disagree. While this type of dieting might help you achieve your physical goals, it can have a dangerous effect on your mental health.

This “cheat” culture results in an unhealthy relationship with food and tends to encourage binge eating. This approach can also lead to a cycle of guilt and shame surrounding your food choices. Instead of considering certain foods as “off-limits,” try to balance your food choices without labeling the occasional treat as “cheating.”

Before you decide to follow any trending food advice, it is important to remember that food is never the enemy. A healthy relationship with food involves balance, variety, and moderation. Consulting with a qualified dietician through an online dietician consultation or an online nutritionist consultation is the best favor you can do for yourself when you consider dieting so that your unique needs can be taken into consideration.

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Jigar Thakkar
Jigar Thakkar
18 September 2023
I would really like to thank Dr Richa and her team and Also (Bhumi), for amazing guidance and continues support and Motivation thru out my diet plan. 1) They have amazing knowledge and they guide accordingly your body type. 2) I thought this 6 months journey of my diet plan will be difficult, because I had mind set that my diet plan will be difficult… But guess what they made my diet plan according my taste and my comfort… which made really easy for me to continue with full motivation. 3) I would really like to thank them , because they also changed my life style …. Because just change in food doesn’t makes your body fit but sleeping on time and workout also matters… I got correct guidance from them . I would really appreciate and thanks Dr Richa and Bhumi for guiding me right and I m really happy that I have connected you guys 🙏🏼
Sandeep Kulkarni
Sandeep Kulkarni
16 September 2023
Home receipe. Home food. Excellent consultation.
Bhumi Parikh
Bhumi Parikh
14 September 2023
Dietician and her team is very friendly and helpful. There is follow up every 15 days and change diets. When they give diets they ask if that is convenient or not according to my schedule they plan the diet. My weightloss journey has been amazing till now. Thankyou!!
Tanya Kumari
Tanya Kumari
12 September 2023
Little did I know loosing weight would be so easy! Thank you guys for helping me through this journey. Not only did I loose those extra pounds, I also feel much healthier now(its all about gut). Thank You, Bhumi!
Suparnika Das
Suparnika Das
11 September 2023
Getting in touch with Mrs. Richa Doshi was the best thing that happened to me in 2023 for diet counselling. I lost almost 7-8 kilos under her supervison. Rubina was really helpfull and co-operative in understanding the lifestyle issues I had which lead to my weight gain. After 6 months of consultation, I am getting my periods regularly without any pills after a year. My constipation problems also got resolved. Highly recommended
9 September 2023
If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, The health studio by Richa Doshi is all you need. In my 3 months journey, Ria was my health coach. My experience was too good that i have enrolled for the next three months as well. In the past three months, i got effective weight loss, my digestion better and my overall health is improved. The diets provided are very easy and diet chart is prepared by taking care of all your concerns with regular follow up. I found Richa ma'am and Ria as a perfect person to contact to solve all your health issues in a very healthy way. Highly recommended and thank you to the team ♥️
Manish R.
Manish R.
8 September 2023
Wonderful experience with the team THS, headed by Ms Richa. With proper prescription of healthy and required food, the journey of losing 7 kgs, in around 4 months, became smooth. It was also special because I was never recommended any outside supplements. All done with natural foods. Special thanks to Rubina for prompt reply and guidance.
Megha D B
Megha D B
7 September 2023
When I started, I was not sure that it will work for me but now I could see positive changes. Not only about diet plan also they guided about life style this changed my life and many health issues are resolved with in 1 month. I would really appreciate your team and your work. I will definitely recommend to all who wants to change their life style to healthy life style Thank you so much ✨😊
Kavyaa Joshi
Kavyaa Joshi
6 September 2023
Very friendly and encouraging staff.. especially Bhumi my diet counsellor , i would recommend this to all facing issues and concerns regarding their weight and other problems like pcos They are very supportive and it always felt like a two way thing ❤️ Thank you so much !!!
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